For most of the world, we are all playing our part and staying at home to stop the spread of COVID-19. While being restricted to your home may feel a bit boring, there are ways you can still experience the outside world!
A Trip to the Museum
Mental Floss have created a list of World Class museums you can virtually visit online! Some of which include Paris’s The Louvre and New York’s The Metropolitan Museum Of Art. Full of rich history and incredible exhibits you can explore the best museums in the world even having to board a plane.
Coronavirus Concerts
Although every artist has been forced to cancel their concerts, it’s not over till the fat lady sings. All kinds of artists are coming to your screens to live-stream concerts. Check out all of the concerts you can watch from your couch from Billboard.
Bring the Zoo to You
Entertaining kids at home can be a difficult task. So, if you’ve got a couple cheeky monkeys in your home, keep them entertained with a visit from the Zoo. Zoo’s all over the world are live-streaming their animals, shows and behind the scenes content. If your local zoo isn’t one of them, check out our Zoo in Melbourne, Australia.
A Night at The Theatre
If you’re a fan of the Theatrical Arts, this one's for you! The National Theatre in London is showing all kinds of world-class productions for you to enjoy. Additionally, The Met Opera are enabling you to stream over 700 performances.
Go to the Movies (kind of)
While the closure of cinemas has left many of us longing for new films to be released, studios have decided to release movies early, or skip the cinemas all together and go straight to you. Some of these films include Frozen and Artemis Fowl. Check out Vanity Fair’s list of movies for you to stream.
Go Shopping
If you’ve never been a fan of online shopping, you might be converted during this self-isolation period. All kinds of stores are having great deals and sales during this period. At Shhh Silk we are having a WAREHOUSE SALE where you can get up to 75% off! What’s even better about online shopping is you can do it in your pyjamas!